we finally received the long awaited arrival of a nice Brazil from“Jaurez Colatino Barros”. This coffee, grown on a small microlot producing farm, received very special attention during the entire growing season. It was selected as part of the Capricornia project that we feature from time to time.

Brazil Black Honey is all gone. We have more held in reserve and expect to take delivery of it later this month (or maybe in May). For now we highly recommend the Jaurez Colatino coffee in above post in its place. If you like the Black Honey, you’ll definitely like the Colatino.

Update on our new web site: It’s quite a project. We want it to be just right and while focusing on modernization for better mobile device usage, we’re trying hard to keep the “flavor and feel” of the current site so hopefully it won’t be too much of a “smack in the face” to some. It’s coming along nicely and is a month or so out from launching. We’re very excited about it.